Evolving with AI: The Dynamic Intersection of Education, Business, and Ethics

This session will explore the potential of generative AI to revolutionize the way we live and work. We will discuss the most impressive examples of generative AI that have been encountered, the definition of generative AI, the opportunities and challenges it presents, and the ethical and legal implications of its use. We will also delve into the potential impact of generative AI on education, business, and the future of AI. Finally, we will discuss how to ensure that this technology is used in an ethical and responsible manner, and the possibilities it offers for a brighter future.

Marco Casalaina

Marco Casalaina

Vice President Of Products, Azure Cognitive Services

Pablo Castro

Pablo Castro

Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft

Eve Psalti

Eve Psalti

Senior Director @ Microsoft Artificial Intelligence

Marcia Harris

Marcia Harris

Director of Strategic Initiatives, Office of Responsible AI

Ece Kamar

Ece Kamar

Partner Research Manager at Microsoft Research

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